Monday, May 30, 2011

Utah trip take two

Our next stop was..
Manti Utah-Friday
(sorry most of these are turned the wrong way,I mean that just makes it better... its turned the wrong way because I don't have my mac anymore :(

 Every one besides Dallin my mom and dad did baptisms they did a session :D it was so cool to be in there !! 
 I like this one because you can see the temple blured out in the back ground

 DeWitt ask if I wanted to take a picture my it so this is what he got

 Done with baptisms, and walking back to our hotel wating for dallin and my parents.
...More to come...

Utah trip take one

Because I took almost 700 pictures
on this trip I am going
to split the post in order to our stops
starting with
Glen Wood Dam- Friday

 So after I think 3 hours from pine we ran into
Glen Wood dam
we didnt have much time to go on all of the tours but
we did get to go in the vistors center and have a picnic on the very green grass
P.S. more to come

Monday, May 9, 2011

A to Z questions

Age: 14, 15 in September 
Bed Size: Queen
Chore You Hate: ... 
Dogs: We have had as many as 18 German Shepards at a time. right now we have two Chihuahas.
Essential Start of Your Day: ...
Favorite Color: Autumn shades. I refuse to pick only one. 
Gold or Silver: silver 
Height: 5'6"
Instruments I Play: Piano
Job Title: Student
Kids: I have none. 
Live: In the glorious AZ sun. 
Mom's Name: Rebecca. Also known as Ubecca from all the little cousins 
Nickname: Penske my dad calls me,Lill,Lilly-bug  
Over Night Hospital Stays: It is my goal to have none of those. My birth does not count. 
Pet Peeve: When people smack their food.sorry but it is true 
Quote From a Movie: ...
Right or Left Handed: Right 
Siblings: I am the second to the youngest of 5 Kids.(Allison ,Dallin, Dewitt,Polly)
Time You wake up: 5:30 or any time between 8:00 and when I wake up late on school days I get really frustrated 
Underwear:I am not sure what to say about this one and I am not sure I want to
Vegetables You Dislike: green beans
What Makes You Run Late: ...
X-Rays You've Had Done: Only on the teeth. 
Yummy Food You Make: ...
Zoo Animal: owls.... but I only like the cartoon ones,not they real ones

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fallen Trees (not really)

Because our tree has been getting new
leafs these pokey 
little balls have been falling from the tree and
 there is about 100 all over our front yard
and I like taking pictures of things up really close
and these things had really cool thorns that you can get a cool picture out of so... 
wall-ah here it is                                  

 And then me polly and dallin went on a kids date to La Palma  
because my mom and dad allison and dewitt where  all at state.
so we thought we would have our own party at home :D